The event was moderated by Joe Copley (Seedooh) who gave his take on the role and importance of AdTech to OOH’s future.
MiQ is an independent omnichannel DSP who have stitched together a mixture of programmatic tech so that they can transact across multimedia using consistent data sets to make smarter decisions.
90% of the way they plan, and buy is getting ready for a cookieless future – within 12 months they will be at 100%.
Trends over time have showed more media spend is going to Digital media – and when you look at digital media spend more share is being spent programmatically.
Data also shows that in Australia that there is an appetite for increasing DOOH spend vs classic formats – this is a lot healthier in Australia then other global markets (probably due to the infrastructure).
Key message for the OOH sector is keep innovating your AdTech and it will benefit you in the long run.
Without cookies – things start to break – like audience targeting and retargeting, insights and optimization, frequency capping, measurement, and attribution.
MiQ’s 3 ways to overcome cookies….
What’s in it for DOOH companies?
Opportunity to increase price through CPM model.
Opportunity to become a part of the screen strategy.
What are customers saying…
Measurement and attribution are going in the right direction for DOOH – keep investing in MOVE 2.0 as a common currency + other datasets that prove attribution & effectiveness etc.
Omnichannel exposure – OOH is showing positive results so far in terms of how it’s contribution to the omnichannel approach and total campaign results.
Creative service is currently an issue (e.g., too many creative sizes and time consuming to ad serve tricky campaigns etc.) – something the industry should learn from via what online media did & the IAB facilitated.
From Battleground to solid ground. How, why and when?
Previous years lack of OOH alignment between buyside, sell side and tech companies – therefore AdTech couldn’t amplify the medium as they couldn’t agree on getting the foundations set.
After a rocky start the OFC and OMA realised they were working to mutual goals etc. Therefore, projects like standardisation, MOVE 2.0 and the Impression multiplier started to take shape.
Methodology (check photo) – standard survey - 530 buy side (380 agencies, 73 brands/advertisers, 77 AdTech)
Macros learning - More buyside still considering transacting via traditional methods than PDOOH at planning stage currently.
Driven by Planning and Investment teams who are the biggest KDM’s at agencies if they choose to use PDOOH.
Data and Targeting, flexible buying options, contextual relevance, operational efficiency the stand outs on why you would use PDOOH…
Increase brand no. 1 but DR has improved the most over last 12 months.
IAB made comment that DR needs more work as the industry needs to work together to agree on what metrics are right and standardised.
Open Exchange number 1 (55%) vs PMP number 2 (45%) & guaranteed deals no.3 (34%)
IAB made comment that PMP is quite strong due to the two biggest OOH suppliers only offering PMP transactions.
Offering a guaranteed way of transacting – non-guaranteed only is turning off people as they know that traditional buyers get priority to the best assets.
Promoting further understanding = education/ training.
OOH industry really needs to understand how Video got it so right – Agencies always including BVOD as part of their screen strategy now. It’s now often sold out.
OOH industry has done well to unite and make sure Verification is accessible – client’s who spend loads of money like LION need verification – it’s 100% a part of their approach to OOH now.
Current issue with PDOOH is that they only have the option to execute non-guaranteed buying only. Can understand that traditional buyers as well would prefer to buy direct and guarantee their locations because they have come from a mindset that you are buying real estate – so you are buying site quality – not audience impressions.
There is also an obvious conflict occurring between sales teams at organisations – often traditional sellers tell the client – ‘if that’s what you want just book directly with me’… this makes it confusing about what are and what aren’t the benefits of PDOOH.
However currently there is more supply as more operators get involved, there is experiments occurring around things like header bidding and dynamic creative optimisation etc which will improve the experience.
In 12 months … (clare) verification adopted by all advertisers a must & to find a better use of my postcode 1st party data, (pia) a big case study that showcases the benefits of PDOOH, (Sutho) for more agencies to have understanding how best to execute e.g. can I just book straight with the supplier or do I need to involve omnichannel DSP’s (Yahoo, TheTradedesk etc) and pay an additional fee… (James) I’d like to see more local case studies – seeing some great stuff from OS.
There was a comment that PDOOH didn’t get off to a good start 4 years ago because it was being led by the AdTech companies…. It was obvious Supply side weren’t bought into the benefits of its introduction – Video got it right because it was led by the Supply side, and they were united in when to use it and how to use it.
Demonstration on how they created all their AdTech partners to create their ecosystem and approach to PDOOH and data – they have preferred to do their own model rather than uniting with the NZ industry on things like audience measurement.
Reasons for that:
LIVE (data feeds so buyer is transacting the actual audience) TRANSPARENT (Using better data) & Properly connected (their platform approach)